Developing Leaders

to serve Sumner County

Established in 1988


​Through a friendly interview process, we identify individuals who have already demonstrated civic involvement and have appropriate career experience and long-term leadership potential.


​Participants visit city and county political bodies in session, varied businesses that affect the county, selected educational institutions, important historic sites, and agencies that support the county.


Leadership Sumner offers a practical, supportive platform for community and business leaders to focus on enhancing the quality of life for all citizens of the county.

Leadership Sumner was formed to educate potential and active community leaders about the history, politics and culture of Sumner County. Well over 600 participants have graduated from the program since it began more than 30 years ago.

Leadership Sumner

Our new logo combines the best of the past with familiar colors and font in the word Leadership and the choice of the supporting font used in Sumner was to give the entire logo a feeling of motion- in the way that each class continues the momentum from the cohort that came before them.

We added a tree element to symbolize growth and supported it by utilizing the color palette of our members Social Styles and how we use what we have learned to grow individually to support Sunmer County together.

Apply for 25-26

Are you a future Sumner County leader? Are you interested in learning more about Sumner County and all it has to offer? Apply for Leadership Sumner! Even if you are a life-long resident of Sumner County, you will learn about its rich heritage, its historical importance of the past and present, as well as the significance of its future. Not only will you discover Sumner County, but you will also discover yourself!